Екип на Читалището

Екипът на Читалището

Екипът на НЧ "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий 1924" е малък, но сплотен и активен.

Чавдар гергов


Петя Данданова

Организатор събития

Йорданка симеонова

Библиотека - Детски отдел

Георгина Георгиева


Весела христова

Ръководител Библиотека

Георги Драмбозов

Поет, Председател Литературен клуб

Кристиян Цанков

Деловодител, звукорежисьор

Сийка Ангелова


Любка Сашева


Our Team

Our development opt in to the projects they genuinely want to work on, committing
wholeheartedly to delivering.

Mark Beller

Signing Agent
Phone: (415) 2456-789
Email: support@enginenotarix.com

Accomplished notary public with a track record of fully evaluating signers’ signatures and ensuring authenticity of documents through thorough assessment. Special talent for administering oaths through predefined notary specifications.

Delvin Rohp

Document identification
Phone: (415) 2456-789
Email: support@enginenotarix.com

Accomplished notary public with a track record of fully evaluating signers’ signatures and ensuring authenticity of documents through thorough assessment. Special talent for administering oaths through predefined notary specifications.

David Beackam

Document identification
Phone: (415) 2456-789
Email: support@enginenotarix.com

Accomplished notary public with a track record of fully evaluating signers’ signatures and ensuring authenticity of documents through thorough assessment. Special talent for administering oaths through predefined notary specifications.

Jesica Roph

Signing Agent
Phone: (415) 2456-789
Email: support@enginenotarix.com

Accomplished notary public with a track record of fully evaluating signers’ signatures and ensuring authenticity of documents through thorough assessment. Special talent for administering oaths through predefined notary specifications.

Hannah Main

Records maintenance
Phone: (415) 2456-789
Email: support@enginenotarix.com

Accomplished notary public with a track record of fully evaluating signers’ signatures and ensuring authenticity of documents through thorough assessment. Special talent for administering oaths through predefined notary specifications.

Eric Vennon

Records maintenance
Phone: (415) 2456-789
Email: support@enginenotarix.com

Accomplished notary public with a track record of fully evaluating signers’ signatures and ensuring authenticity of documents through thorough assessment. Special talent for administering oaths through predefined notary specifications.

За Читалището

Народно читалище "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий 1924" се намира в София, район "Красна поляна".

През 2024 година отбеляза своя 100-годишен юбилей.

Читалището развива богата дейност - повече от 10 школи всеки сезон, събития, фестивали, конкурси, представяния на книги и автори, изложби, концерти и др.

Дейности на читалището